PLEX add-in for Microsoft Excel 2017.2 Retail Free Download

PLEX is an add-in for Microsoft Excel 2007-2016 (a set of macros) that supplements and extends the capabilities of standard Excel.

System requirements:
- Windows XP | Vista | 7 | 8 | 8.1 | 10
- Excel 2007 | 2010 | 2013 | 2016
- Version: 2017.2
- The size: 8 MB
- Medicine: not required
- Interface: Russian
Add-in PLEX for Microsoft Excel 2017.2 Retail in detail:
PLEX features:
Formula library
A powerful tool for automating the input of complex formulas. Allows you to enter a template for a complex formula and use it in the future to re-enter the calculations. Contains more than 50 ready-made formulas and user-defined PLEX functions of different categories.
Quick time entry
A convenient form, with which you can quickly enter the time (hours and minutes) into the current cell.
Backup a book to a specified folder
Quick and convenient saving of backup copies of the current workbook with the addition of the date-time stamp in the specified folder.
Inserting a currency rate on a given date
The insertion rate of any given currency (dollar, euro, hryvnia, pounds, etc. - only 17 currencies + refinancing rate) for any given date in the past. The data is taken from the official websites of the national banks of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus.
Random Number and Date Generator
All cells in the selected range are filled with random numbers (or dates) from a given numerical interval. Whole or fractional, with repetitions or without - to choose from.
Dynamic Named Range
Create a Dynamic Named Range that will be automatically adjusted in size (shrink and expand) when data is entered. Such a range can then be used to construct dynamic diagrams, pivot tables, in any calculations, formulas and functions.
Hot Key Manager
Dialog box that allows you to assign any convenient key combination to any command from the list of available functions
Adding PLEX functions to the current workbook
Clicking on this button inserts into the current workbook a module with the user-defined PLEX add-in functions, i.e. You can then use these functions in a file on the computer where PLEX is not installed.
Extracting Unique Items
Allows you to extract from any list of unique items by the specified column. Can either form a new list in which there are no repetitions (duplicates), or select lines with unique color values.
Changing the range size
Quick change of the size of the range with saving of all data. For example, the range of 3 by 4 (12 cells) can be output in options 2 to 6, 6 to 2, 1 to 12, 4 to 3, etc. And the data from the original range can be read by rows or columns.
Change the reference type in formulas
Changes the type of references (relative, absolute, mixed) in all formulas of the selected cells.
PivotTable Tools
Many useful tools for speeding up work with pivot tables: switching all fields in the summary table at once to the desired function (sum, average, number), fast formatting, copying summary as values, filtering on the current cell, unfolding the crosstab into a flat one, suitable for analysis.
Calendar for entering dates
A convenient calendar for quickly entering any date in the cell.
Converting formulas to values
Quickly replace formulas with values in a selected range of cells, on all / selected sheets or in the entire book.
Sheet Manager
A powerful tool for managing sheets when there are a lot of them. Is able to quickly hide-display, protect, sort sheets and much more.
Setting accuracy
Round numbers in the selected cells to a specified number of decimal places or to hundreds, thousands, millions, etc. You can round up, down, or exactly.
The reverse order of values
Rows, columns or cells in the selected range are rearranged in the reverse order (the first becomes the last one, the second is the penultimate one, etc.). All formulas in the selected range are replaced by values.
Combine cells with text saving
The cells of the selected range are combined, and the text from all cells merges into one with the specified symbol-separator.
Operations with text
A powerful tool for processing text in cells. Allows you to convert the register, selectively delete characters from the beginning / end / from the middle of lines of text, clean out the text from unnecessary spaces and invisible characters, convert numbers-as-text into full-length, Russian text (Cyrillic) into translit (Latin), etc.
Selecting strings followed by an action
Copy, move or delete all rows in the table based on the value of the currently selected cell.
Open the current folder
In the Explorer window (My Computer), a folder is opened where the open book is stored. If the book has not yet been saved, the default folder (My Documents) is opened.
Displays the dependency arrows
For all cells of the selected range or the entire sheet containing formulas, arrows that show the relationships between cells are included. It becomes evident from where and where the data in the formulas on the sheet go.
Cleaning the range of cells
All cells in the selected range are cleared from content, formatting, input validation parameters and conditional formatting, etc.
Clearing a book
From the current Excel workbook, all of the extra styles, macros and other garbage that slows down and weighting the file are completely deleted.
Swap selected columns
Quickly swap two any selected columns on an Excel sheet.
Swap selected lines
Quickly swap any pre-selected rows on an Excel sheet.
Construction of micrographs
Based on the original numerical data, miniature histograms are built in the sheet cells. When the source data is changed, micrographs are automatically redrawn. The construction of micrographs is possible to the right of the selected data area, from below and in a single cell.
Mailing list
With this form, you can quickly send out a bunch of emails to specified addresses, with a given text, subject, and attached files.
Splitting the table into different sheets
Separation of one large table into several sheets according to a given criterion.
Break / Open links to other books
Managing the external links of the book: breaking links (replacing references to values), opening external source files (for updating), working with hyperlinks.
Reference mode A1 - R1C1
Switching between link modes in A1 and R1C1 for the current book, i.e. from normal (the columns of the sheet are denoted by the letters A, B, C ...) to the alternative mode R1C1 (the columns of the sheet are denoted by numbers) and back.
Assembling sheets from several books
A tool for quickly assembling (copying) sheets from multiple files into one. What kind of sheets you need to collect - flexibly set in the settings.
Collect data from several sheets
Flexible tool for assembling tables from several sheets - one at a time, not to copy the data manually. Can collect values, formulas or links and work with ranges of any size.
Create a drop-down list in the cell
Create drop-down lists with the required elements in the cells. The contents of the list can be set in different ways: manually entered, taken from the selected cells, formed from the dynamic range.
Create a book with sheets from the range
A new Excel workbook is created, in which the number of sheets is equal to the number of selected cells, and the sheet names are taken from their contents.
Sorting Rows in Random Order
All rows in the selected range are rearranged in random order.
Sorting rows by color of cells filling
In the selected range, rows are sorted by the color of the cells' fill in a particular column.
Save book worksheets as separate files
On the disk next to the source file, a folder is created, where all the specified worksheets of the current workbook are saved as separate files.
Help, feedback, version updates
Calling detailed online or offline help on all the features of the PLEX add-in. Check for updates and feedback form with the author.
Comparison of ranges
Allows you to quickly compare the two ranges on a given column and display the differences / matches with a separate list or mark with color.
Precise copying of formulas
Formulas from the original range are copied into the insertion range without changes (without shifting the relative references).
Deleting all empty rows / columns on a sheet
On the current sheet, all empty rows / columns or currently hidden rows (unnecessary) are deleted.
Installing Money Formats
Sets for selected cells a dollar or euro format (with 2 decimals) or a numeric format with delimiters without a fractional part.
AutoFilter_Criteria Function
Returns the criteria (conditions) that are currently being filtered by AutoFilter for each column in the table.
CBR Function
Gives the rate of the given currency (USD, EUR ...) on the specified date.
CellColor function
Gives the fill color code of the specified cell.
CellFontColor function
Gives the color code of the text (font) for the specified cell.
Coincidence function
Calculates the similarity degree of two text strings, as the maximum number of consecutive character matches.
CountByCellColor function
Counts the number of cells with the specified fill color in the specified range. The desired color is specified by the sample cell.
CountByFontColor function
Counts the number of cells with the specified font color in the specified range. The desired color is specified by the sample cell.
- Choose a convenient location for the PLEX folder on a hard (non-network!) Drive and do not change it. Excel will then download the add-in from this folder each time it starts.
- Start Microsoft Excel
- Click the Office button (round in the upper left corner) or open the File tab, then click Excel Options, then on the left the Add-Ins section, at the bottom click the Go to button.
- In the window that appears, click the Browse button and, opening the PLEX folder from step 1, specify the PLEX.xla file. Now you can connect and disconnect the PLEX add-in at any time by selecting or deselecting the check box.
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